Jan 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Student, Parent, and College Communication

MGCC’s Mission Statement emphasizes the commitment of the College to support students in a manner that respects their rights and responsibilities. MGCC is committed to assisting students in achieving their potential and in making sound education, occupational, and personal choices. We believe that a supportive college environment is a good place for students to learn sound decision-making skills. Our faculty and staff work to supply the environment needed to nurture and cultivate these skills.

A wealth of information regarding MGCC is available on the website, including programs, course requirements, academic calendars, inclement weather notifications, a schedule of classes, and student and on-campus community activities. We encourage you to utilize the website as a source for information for you and your students.

Please encourage your students to stay informed about MGCC policies, procedures, and deadlines; respond promptly to College communications; and take advantage of College services and activities. In addition, we ask that you listen to student concerns and encourage your student to discuss any concerns with Student Services personnel. Parents are especially encouraged to let their student accept responsibility for their actions and educational progress.

Students are responsible for their educational choices - meeting college requirements for courses, and program selection and completion. The College encourages students to discuss their educational choices and progress openly with their parents or guardians, especially when the students are being supported by the family financially.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) the College may only communicate general information about College standards, policies, and procedures to parents who call with student specific questions, unless the College has written permission from the student to discuss personal student information.