Feb 11, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Tuition/Financial Aid

Tuition and Fees

General Tuition: Tuition rates are set by the State Board for Community Colleges. Tuition rates are subject to change and do not include student activity fees. Different tuition rates are established for Virginia residents and non-Virginia residents. A Virginia resident is one who has lived in, is and has been a legal resident of Virginia for a period of at least one year prior to the commencement of the semester for which he or she is enrolling. (See Residency Requirements .) Specific classes may have additional fees which will be noted in the semester class schedule.

Non-documented residents of the United States are not eligible for Virginia resident tuition rates or any form of financial aid.

Payment of tuition enables the student to use the library, bookstore, student center and other facilities of the College.

A fee will be charged for all returned checks, e-checks (ACH payments), and dishonored credit or debit card payments. Once the debt is 30 days past due, an additional fee will be imposed.

Veterans: Veterans who wish to receive education benefits must contact the Veterans Coordinator. The Veterans’ Tuition Waiver provides free tuition and fees at state supported institutions for the children of permanently disabled or deceased veterans of the United States Armed Forces some requirements apply. Requests for applications should be directed to the Veterans Coordinator.


Students shall be eligible for a refund for those credit hours dropped during the add/drop period. It is the student’s responsibility to drop courses prior to the end of the add/drop period if they do not plan to attend the class. Refunds are made in accordance with state policy. Exceptions must be approved by the Vice President for Financial and Administrative Services. Tuition refunds are processed after the end of the add/drop period. Members of the military who are called into active duty service during a semester may be eligible for a full refund of tuition and fees. Please contact the Director of Student Services for more information.

For information on refunds for students on financial aid, see Refund and Repayment Policy under the Student Financial Aid section.

Other Costs

Capital Fee: A capital fee is charged for all out-of-state students and out-of-state contract students who are not classified as in-state residents.

Special Items: Some programs may require students to purchase additional program-related items.

Student Activity Fee: A student activity fee will be charged in addition to tuition. This fee is refundable during the add/drop period.


Students who damage or lose school property (laboratory or shop equipment, supplies, library materials, etc.) are expected to pay charges for such losses.

Transcripts, certificates, diplomas or degrees will not be issued, nor will a student be permitted to register until all of the student’s accounts at the business office, bookstore or library have been paid in full.

Fines for illegal parking in fire lanes, handicapped parking spaces or “No Parking” designated areas at MGCC facilities may be imposed by the appropriate Sheriff ‘s Department.

Library Fine Policy

The library does not charge a late fee for overdue items unless it is 30 days overdue, at which point the item is considered lost. The borrower is then considered delinquent and cannot check out any more library materials until he or she has returned or paid for the item. The delinquent account is sent to the Business Office for collection. Students may not graduate, receive transcripts, or register for classes until all obligations are satisfied.

A replacement fee will be charged for loaner laptops that are not returned or are returned damaged. If other components like the laptop case or charger are not returned or are returned damaged, an additional replacement fee will also be charged for the applicable item.  The replacement fees will be applied to the student account 15 days past the laptop return due date. 

A replacement fee of at least $25 will be charged for books (fee may be higher depending on cost of replacement) at 30 days past due. At 30 days past due, all delinquent accounts will be assessed an administrative/late fee by the college equal to 15% of the original debt.

Books and Materials

Students are expected to obtain the books, supplies and materials needed in their studies.

Failure to Meet Financial Obligations

Students failing to meet a financial obligation to the College are placed on financial suspension. Transcripts, certificates, diplomas, or degrees will not be issued, nor will a student be permitted to register until all of the student’s accounts at the business office, bookstore, or library have been paid in full. 

Failure to meet financial obligations to the College also may result in placement of the delinquent account with the Virginia Department of Taxation Debt Set-Off program, a collection agency, litigation and other collection procedures as are necessary to settle the account. The student is responsible for any additional costs incurred in the collection of delinquent accounts, including interest, administrative charges, late fees and collection costs.

A fee will be charged for all dishonored checks. If the debt, including the fee is not paid within 30 days, an additional fee will be charged.

MGCC honors the financial obligations which students may have with other VCCS colleges. If a student has a financial obligation to a VCCS college totaling $500 or more, they must resolve that obligation before they are eligible to enroll at MGCC. These obligations may include tuition, fees, college loans, college fines, or other debts owed the college.

Student Financial Assistance

Financial Aid: The purpose of the College’s financial aid program is to provide financial assistance to qualified students who, without such aid, would be unable to attend college. Non-documented residents of the United States are not eligible for any form of financial aid.

MGCC offers several programs of financial aid funded by the Federal Government, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the MGCC Educational Foundation, area organizations, clubs, businesses and private citizens.

Applying for Financial Aid: Students are encouraged to file for financial assistance as early as October 1. Completing all steps in the process will allow sufficient time for processing the student’s file by the start of the semester.

There are some sources of aid that have limited funds to award; those who file early have a greater likelihood of being considered for assistance than those who file later when funds may be exhausted. MGCC strongly suggests filing for aid by January 1st. Contact the Office of Financial Aid with any questions and watch for updates posted on the web site.

Students interested in applying for financial aid must do all the following:

  • Apply as a curricular student to MGCC.
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) directly on the web at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.
  • Students must first create an FSA ID which becomes an electronic signature. The application process may be completed on a home computer or on a computer at MGCC in the Library, Student Services and at the Rockbridge Regional Center. To have the report sent to the College, students must enter MGCC’s Title IV school code (004996) in the school section of the FAFSA.
  • Students under the age of 24 are considered dependent students and are required to report parent information (SSNs, Tax Returns, etc.) on the FAFSA. One parent will need to create an FSA ID in order to electronically sign and submit the FAFSA.
  • Graduate from high school or earn a GED certificate.

When the FAFSA has been processed, the student will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR). Schools listed by Title IV code (004996 for MGCC) on the FAFSA will receive an electronic version of the SAR.

After the application for financial aid is received, the Financial Aid Office will send the student an email explaining the student’s next steps. Additional information may be requested in order to complete the file. Students should respond promptly to requests for additional information; failure to do so will result in delays with the completion of the student’s file.

Satisfactory Progress for Financial Aid Recipients

Federal regulations require that students receiving federal financial aid make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the standards set by the College. Exclusive of developmental studies, degree seeking students may receive financial aid for no more than 150 percent of the time frame for program completion. These limitations include all terms of enrollment, not only those terms when aid was awarded or received. Developmental study courses are limited to one academic year, 30 semester hours, of enrollment.

Student aid recipients will also be required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) and credit completion rate. GPA and credit completion rate will be evaluated after each term.

For further information on the MGCC Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards or to obtain a copy of these standards, contact the Financial Aid Office or visit our web site at www.mgcc.edu/policies.

Students who lose financial aid eligibility can submit an appeal. The Student Financial Aid Committee, composed of representatives of the administrative, counseling and instructional staff, is appointed by the Director of Student Services for the purpose of reviewing student appeals concerning financial aid matters. If reinstated, students will be placed on contract until they are back in good standing.

Fraud Policy

Fraud is something we are very concerned about in the MGCC Office of Financial Aid. There are situations where students and/or parents misrepresent information in hopes of obtaining financial aid assistance. Some examples include:

  • False claims of independent student status
  • False claims of citizenship
  • Use of false identities
  • Forgery of signatures or certifications
  • False statement of income

The Office of Financial Aid is required to have a policy of referral when confronted with actual or suspected cases of fraud and abuse. MGCC procedures for fraud are as follows:

If, in the Financial Aid Coordinator’s judgment, there has been intentional misrepresentation, false statements, or alterations of documents which have resulted or could result in the awarding or disbursement of financial aid for which the student is not eligible, the case shall be referred to the Director of Student Services for possible disciplinary actions.

After investigating the situation, if the Financial Aid Coordinator and the Director of Student Services believe there is a fraudulent situation, all information will be forwarded to the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Education within ten business days after the initial date of discovery.

Repeated Coursework Policy

  • Financial Aid can only pay for 30 credits of developmental courses. If more than 30 developmental credits are taken, the developmental education credits must be paid for by the student, i.e. the additional developmental courses will be factored out of the Financial Aid enrollment level.
  • Financial aid eligibility cannot be determined if a student has one or more incomplete grades, “I” grades, from a previous term.
  • Financial aid will pay for repeated classes until a student passes, in addition to one more attempt, to achieve a higher grade.
  • Repeated courses are always counted in the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) calculation and may negatively affect the student’s Completion Rate, GPA and 150 percent Timeframe.
  • Effective Fall 2021, GPA for repeated courses will use the highest grade earned for the repeated class.
  • Audited and non-credit courses are not eligible for Financial Aid. These courses will be factored out of the Financial Aid enrollment level.

Refund and Repayment Policy

VCCS Tuition Refund Policy

(Revision to VCCS Policy Manual Section 4.3.2)

Approved by the State Board of Community Colleges, May 21, 2015


In the process of approving tuition refunds for students after the end of the add/drop period, colleges have been expunging courses from the course registration records. Financial aid and student accounts staff have identified this practice as a concern particularly because it violates federal regulations pertaining to Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). The revision to the VCCS policy 4.3.2 directs that course registrations shall not be deleted for students who receive a tuition refund for extenuating circumstances after the end of the add/drop period, but a grade of “W” would be assigned instead. This policy change applies to all students including the military and those receiving financial aid. In the case of a financial aid student, the refund should not exceed Tuition/Fees minus Gift Aid. In this way, the student would not be refunded for tuition and fees they did not actually pay. It would be at the college’s discretion to refund the full amount of tuition and fees to such financial aid students. This change could greatly assist with Return to Title IV (R2T4) obligations when extenuating circumstances exist since it would eliminate those outstanding balances to the colleges. In cases where a loan is borrowed, the full tuition and fees can be refunded, and students will be encouraged to provide permission to return the funds to the lender. In this way, they are treated in the same fashion as paying students but strongly advised to return the funds to their lender to reduce their student loan debt.

4.3.2 Tuition Refunds

Students are eligible for a refund for those credit hours dropped during the add/drop period. After the add/drop period has passed, there shall be no refunds, except as provided in subsections,, and Tuition Refund Eligibility

To be eligible for refund under any of the circumstances set forth in the foregoing paragraph, a student must either execute an official drop form at the college or drop classes on the internet using the VCCS Student Information System (SIS) by refund dates published by academic term. Official withdrawal for a student shall become effective on the date that written notification of intent to withdraw is received by the Office of Admissions and Records or the date the student drops the course(s) on the internet using the VCCS SIS.

All services shall be withheld from a student who owes money to the college for any reason or who has books or materials outstanding from the college. Tuition Refund Procedures (SG and SB)

Revenue refunds are generally generated automatically from the Student Information System (SIS) from which a general State warrant shall be issued. The revenue refund is prepared payable to the student or third party.

For refunds generated automatically from the SIS, colleges should maintain the appropriate detail documentation that reconciles to and supports the revenue refunds. The documentation should include the listing of students receiving the refunds from the SIS, daily accounting system activity reports, and the Cardinal daily transmittals.

In awarding tuition refunds, the college shall maintain accurate student records in compliance with section 5.6.2, Withdrawal from a Course. Students’ courses should not be administratively removed except in cases where students either never attend or stop attending during the course add/drop period. Policy on Tuition Refunds in Exceptional Cases (C)

The college is authorized to issue a tuition refund based on the following: (1) administrative error, (2) documented extenuating circumstances (e.g., major medical emergency, extreme financial hardship, death of an immediate family member, etc.), or (3) a national emergency or mobilization declared by the President of the United States and in accordance with Section 23-9.6.2 of the Code of Virginia . In the latter case, there shall be a full refund. If a tuition refund is required as a result of actions of the college, the student may be granted a tuition refund notwithstanding earlier provisions of the section. In addition, if a tuition refund is required due to a highly unusual emergency or extenuating circumstance, any such refund shall be approved in writing by the president or his/her designee.

  1. Student Records Should a student defined in subsection be approved to withdraw from the college with a tuition refund after the add/drop period is passed, the student shall be assigned a grade of “W.” Under no circumstances shall a student’s course(s) be deleted after the add/drop period is passed.
  2. Federal Student Financial Aid Recipients
    Tuition refunds for students defined in subsection who are recipients of Federal Student Financial Aid shall be awarded in compliance with subsection Policy on Refunds, Credits, and Reinstatement as a Result of Military Service

Each community college shall have a policy statement providing for the tuition relief, refund, reinstatement of military students in the event that military requires their sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from their enrollment. For purposes of this section, military services are defined as service (whether voluntary or involuntary) on active duty in the Armed Forces, including such service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, when mobilized or deployed for a period of more than 30 days. Dependents of military members may also be given consideration under this policy. Dependents are defined as any civilian qualifying as a military dependent under 37 USC 401 currently or as otherwise amended. Each community college shall provide for the following:

  1. Tuition and Required Fees
    Should a military or military-dependent student defined in Section request to be withdrawn from the college after the census date, the student shall be awarded a full refund and assigned a grade of “W”, except for the refund requirements per Section where active duty military students receive federal financial aid.
    Each community college shall have a policy statement regarding the granting of refunds of Miscellaneous Education, General Program, Auxiliary Services and Student Activity fees to students.
    The college shall provide, at the option of the student, for such refunds to be retained and to be applicable to tuition and fees charged in the semester or term in which the student returns to study.
  2. Deposits
    Each community college shall have a policy statement regarding the granting of refunds of deposits to military or military-dependent students.
  3. Textbooks
    Each community college shall process refunds for textbooks for military or military-dependent students according to contractual arrangement with bookstore vendors.
  4. Academic Credits and Grades
    Military or military-dependent students as defined in Section should have the opportunity to receive an incomplete grade (“I”) instead of receiving a tuition refund and a grade of “W” (withdrew). For a grade of “I”, all course requirements shall be completed within one year from the date of release from active duty or mobilization.
    Students may be given the option of taking their examinations prior to regularly scheduled exams.
  5. Reinstatement
    Military or military-dependent students as defined in Section shall be assured a reasonable opportunity to be reinstated in the same programs of study without having to re-apply for admission if they return to the same community college after a cumulative absence of not more than five years, so long as the student provides notice of intent to return to the institution not later than three years after the completion of the period of service.
  6. Dissemination of Information
    Community college officials shall make every effort to ensure that the aforementioned VCCS policies relative to tuition relief, refund, academic credit and reinstatement for military and military-dependent students are well disseminated and carefully explained in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Virginia, Section 23-9.6:2 (see: http://bit.ly/1HOyWM6), and the Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines (see: http://bit.ly/1Ks26yn) in the appropriate college publications. Moreover, the college shall designate an administrative unit to ensure that these policies are properly disseminated and administered. Tuition Refund Policy for Certain Federal Student Financial Aid Recipients

The Higher Education Amendments of 1992 (Public Law 102-325) require all institutions participating in federal Title IV financial aid programs to have fair and equitable refund policies for all students receiving Title IV funds. An institution’s refund policy is considered to be fair and equitable if the policy provides for a refund of at least the larger of the amount provided under:

  1. The requirements of the applicable state law.
  2. The specific refund standards established by the institution’s nationally recognized accrediting agency, if those standards are approved by the U. S. Secretary of Education.
  3. The pro-rata refund calculation for any student attending the institution for the first time who withdraws completely during the first 60 percent of the period of enrollment, or drops out without notice to the institution. In the latter case, the refund date is the last day of attendance documented in the institution’s records.
  4. If the pro-rata refund calculation does not apply, and if there is no refund policy mandated by applicable state law, or accrediting agency standard, then the larger of the following shall apply:
    1. The refund standards contained in 34 CFR Part 668 of the Federal Regulations (see: http://bit.ly/1HOyRbh).
    2. The institution’s refund policy. As of the date of implementation of this policy, the Commonwealth of Virginia does not have an applicable refund law, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools does not have an applicable refund standard. The Virginia Community College System shall adhere to the policies as provided in guidance memoranda from the System Office.
  5. Under no circumstances should a tuition refund be processed prior to a Return to Title IV Funds (R2T4) calculation. In addition, a tuition refund generally should not result in a credit balance on the account of a financial aid recipient whose tuition and fees were paid by gift aid. Tuition refunds should be calculated as the amount of tuition and required fees less any gift aid. At the discretion of the college, the full amount of tuition and required fees may be refunded to the student regardless of how tuition and required fees were paid. To the greatest extent possible, students who have borrowed student loans should be encouraged to permit the college to return any credit balance to the lender.

Title IV Returns

Title IV funding includes Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG Grant, Federal Direct Stafford Loans, COMA, VGAP, and G3. Students who receive Title IV funding may have to return money to the College if they withdraw from all of their classes or stop attending without official withdrawal.

After calculations are performed, there will be a portion the College will be required to return from the amount retained to cover tuition and/or book charges. After the College returns the required amount, an unpaid balance will be created on the tuition/book account. The student will be billed for these unpaid charges and given a deadline to pay. If not paid by the deadline, the College will turn the debt over to the State for collection. In some rare cases, the student could owe additional funds back to the Title IV programs from the checks received. In this case the student has 45 days to return their part to the College and the College will also return the student portion to the Department of Education (DOE). After 45 days, The College must turn the debt over to the Department of Education (DOE for collection. Once submitted to the DOE, the student becomes ineligible to receive financial aid form any school until the DOE is repaid.

Adjustment to Financial Aid When Classes Are Never Attended

Financial aid will not pay for classes that the student never attends. If a student signs up for classes, but never begins attendance, financial aid cannot be used. It is the student’s responsibility to drop courses prior to the end of the add/drop period if they do not plan to attend the class. Financial aid students who do not begin attendance in all classes will have their financial aid cut to the level appropriate to their actual class attendance level. The student will be responsible for paying any difference that results from the adjustment.

Financial Aid Disbursements

Disbursements of financial aid awards (minus appropriate tuition, fees, and bookstore charges) begin after the last day to drop with refund each semester. Refunds will be processed through Nelnet Campus Commerce.

Bookstore Charges

Eligible financial aid recipients may choose to charge textbooks and/or supplies in the campus bookstore up to a maximum of $3,000 or less if the amount of remaining financial aid is limited. Only one laptop per Aid Year can be charged to Financial Aid with pre-approval. Charges may be made during the designated period each semester.

Non-Allowable Purchases include but are not limited to: Apparel, food and drink, household items, gift items, gift/pre-paid cards, and electronic devices and peripherals used with such devices (cell phones, chargers, batteries, power cords, printers, smartwatches, etc.)

Veterans’ Services

Applications for VA benefits and assistance in applying are available from the Veteran’s Coordinator. All students receiving VA benefits must be enrolled in an approved curriculum that leads to a certificate or degree.

Covered individuals are allowed to attend or participate in approved courses in their curriculum once they have provided the College’s Certifying Officer with a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33. The College’s Academic Calendar and academic policies will be followed by all covered individuals. The College will not impose a penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the VA under Chapter 31 or 33.

All students receiving VA benefits must report class registrations and adjustments to class schedules (such as add/drop, withdrawal from classes, changes in academic program, etc.) to the College`s Certifying Officer. These changes may affect a student’s VA benefits. When certifying the enrollment status of veteran students, only those courses applying to their curricula will be certified to the Veterans’ Administration for payment of benefits.

In addition to monthly benefits, the Veterans’ Administration will pay for tutorial assistance.

Veterans’ educational benefits will be suspended when the veteran student fails to maintain minimum standards of academic progress. A copy of the Veterans’ Standards of Academic Progress Policy may be obtained from the College’s Veterans Coordinator.

MGCC is designated as an institutional member of Service Opportunity Colleges (SOC). The SOC, composed of over 1,000 colleges and universities, functions in cooperation with the Department of Defense and the Military Services, including the National Guard and the Coast Guard, to help meet the voluntary higher education needs of service members.

Grievance Policy: The Virginia State Approving Agency (SAA), is the approving authority of education and training programs for Virginia. Our office investigates complaints of GI Bill beneficiaries. While most complaints should initially follow the school grievance policy, if the situation cannot be resolved at the school, the beneficiary should contact our office via email saa@dvs.virginia.gov.

West Virginia Residents

Eligible residents of Monroe, Greenbrier, Summers, Mercer, and Pocahontas Counties may enroll in any programs of study at MGCC and pay in-state tuition rates. These individuals and their families may now be able to enjoy saving thousands of dollars over the out-of-state rates previously charged.

Individuals who would like more information should contact MGCC Student Services at (540) 863-2820.

American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Tax Credit

The American Opportunity tax credit can be taken by eligible students for tuition paid during the freshman and sophomore years (maximum of $2,500). Students may also be eligible for the Lifetime Learning tax credit of up to $2,000 for qualified educational expenses. A taxpayer cannot claim both the American Opportunity credit and Lifetime Learning credit for the same student in one year.

To determine specifically if you qualify, you must seek the advice of a tax expert.

Educational Foundation Scholarships

Each year, the MGCC Educational Foundation awards hundreds of thousands of dollars in merit and need-based scholarships, including the Roadrunner Promise Program, to qualified students from the College’s service area. Students may apply online at www.mgcc.edu. Not all scholarships are awarded every year. Students may apply for more than 100 different scholarships at during the open scholarship application period- typically December through February. Please note that additional scholarships may be offered through civic and business organizations. For more information regarding available scholarships, please contact the MGCC Educational Foundation at (540) 863-2837, visit the website noted above, or visit the Educational Foundation Office in Backels Hall.

Student Financial Assistance Programs

Please refer to the Student Financial Aid web site, www.mgcc.edu/federal-student-aid, for all the assistance programs that are offered to students.

Choice Act Eligibility

Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014

The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A veteran using educational assistance under Chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill - Active Duty Program) OR Chapter 33 (Post- 9/11 G.I. Bill) of title 38, United States Code - who lives in Virginia:
    • Attending a college in Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Virginia:
    • Attending a college in Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferor’s discharge from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above, while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same institution. The person so described must have enrolled in the institution before the expiration of the three years following discharge or release as described above and must be using educational benefits under Chapter 30, Chapter 33, or Chapter 31 of title 38, United States Code.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Virginia while:
    • Attending a college in Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service serving on active duty.
  • A spouse or child using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in Virginia while:
    • Attending a college in Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).
  • An individual using educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) who lives in Virginia while:
    • Attending a college in Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) effective for courses, semesters, or terms beginning after March 1, 2019.

Effective August 1, 2021, provision 1005 of the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-315):

  • Removes the requirement for covered individuals to enroll in a course at a public institution of higher learning within three years of being discharged to receive in-state tuition.

Effective August 2, 2022, Public Law 117-68, Title 38 USC 3679(c)(2)(A) adds Dependent Education Assistance (Chapter 35) recipients to the definition of covered individuals.

To be considered for In-State Tuition at Mountain Gateway Community College under the Veteran Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 with amendments as required under 38 USC 3679. the following documents/information will be required to be submitted:

  • Veteran
    • DD214
    • Certificate of Eligibility for V.A. Education Benefit
    • Lease or utility bill for Virginia residency verification
  • Spouse and Dependent
    • Certificate of Eligibility for V.A. Education Benefit
    • Lease or utility bill for Virginia residency verification

*This institution is approved to offer GI Bill® educational benefits by the Virginia State Approving Agency. GI Bill ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill