Jan 22, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Student Support

Student Support Services/Achievement Center

Student Support Services is a grant program funded by the U.S. Department of Education through Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 under the TRIO Programs (Student Support Services is one of seven). Housed in The Achievement Center, the program provides academic and personal support services to eligible students in an effort to assist them in achieving their personal and career goals. The services help to engage students throughout their college experience and support them while completing their chosen program of study through graduation.

Student Support Services include:

  • Career and academic advising for students needing assistance with college or career planning, resume writing, job interviewing skills, and interest inventories.
  • Computer lab usage for word processing needs (reports, essays, and resumes), skill-building tutorial programs (math, reading, and writing), and Internet access (class research, college or career searches, and interest inventories).
  • Cultural activities, such as reduced-priced or free tickets and transportation to concerts, plays, museums, and historic sites around the region.
  • Mentoring and personal advising for students struggling with academic issues.
  • Specialized services, such as tutoring, note-taking assistance, modified test administration, taped texts, test readers, and scheduled computer usage for students with documented physical or learning disabilities.
  • Study skills instruction in note taking, test taking, time management, and stress management
  • Transfer assistance in choosing a school, selecting courses, completing admissions applications, financial aid forms, and touring four-year college campuses in the nearby area.
  • Free tutorial services for students enrolled in MGCC classes (group and individual sessions are available).
  • Career exploration and job placement assistance.

The College offers career exploration and assistance with job placement. Occupational information is available for those individuals who wish to select or change a career. Notices of job openings and employment needs of area employers are posted. Special tests and inventories are available for students who desire help in determining their future occupational and educational plans.

Career exploration and job placement assistance are available in the Achievement Center and in the Library. Individuals are encouraged to make use of these services.

Talent Search

The MGCC Educational Talent Search (ETS) program is a federally funded TRIO program that identifies and assists individuals who are potential first-generation college students who have the potential to succeed in higher education. The program provides academic, career, and financial counseling to participants and encourages them to graduate from high school and continue to postsecondary education. The program publicizes the availability of financial aid and assists participants with the college application process. The goal of this program is to increase the number of youths from disadvantaged backgrounds who complete high school and enroll in and complete a program of postsecondary education.

High School Career Coaches

High School Career Coaches are community college employees who are based in local high schools to help students define their career aspirations. The Coaches explain community college and other postsecondary programs, including apprenticeships and workforce training, that can help students achieve their goals. As stated by the Virginia Community College System, the objectives of the VCCS High School Career Coaches Program are “…to empower students to make informed decisions about their career and educational plans and to prepare students for success in postsecondary education and training”. For more information, contact Student Services at (540) 863-2820.

Success Coaches

The Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System launched an initiative designed to serve Pell-eligible and first-generation college students. Called College Success Coaches, these individuals encourage students and assist them in securing any resources they may need to remain in college and complete their program of study. At MGCC, Success Coaches are professionals housed within Student Services to provide participants with encouragement, connection to resources, and collaboration with faculty to make the pathway to success achievable. For more information about the Success Coach initiative, contact Student Services at (540) 863-2820.

Inclusive Learning Enabled Action Program (ILEAP)

The Inclusive Learning Enabled Action Program (ILEAP) is a Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (including autism spectrum disorders). ILEAP allows participants to enroll in classes on MGCC’s Clifton Forge campus. The program reinforces personal effectiveness skills while gaining occupational experience.

The ILEAP’s program is a two-year (six semester, including two summer terms) intensive program that includes opportunities to earn 27 credit hours of coursework in classes with general population students and will assist program students in successfully transitioning into gainful employment.

The US Department of Education has granted Moutain Gateway approval to operate ILEAP as a Comprehensive Transition Postsecondary Program. This means that program participants who have earned a high school diploma other than a standard diploma are eligible to receive financial aid. Participants may also use financial aid to audit classes.

ILEAP participants will follow MGCC Direct Enrollment Placement guidelines. Program capacity is limited. Students may be required to enroll in developmental or corequisite courses before enrolling in some college courses. All ILEAP courses are included in the MGCC catalog and are open to all students. The program follows the traditional 16-week semester except for Summer Semester, which is typically eight weeks in duration. Classes may be audited or taken for credit.

ILEAP participants must be able to work independently and navigate a college campus unassisted; DSLCC does not provide one-on-one teacher assistants. Functional literacy (4th grade reading level or higher) is required. The MGCC Office of Disability Support provides accommodations in accordance with ADA policy. Participants must possess the social and emotional skills to work with others. ILEAP is primarily an on-campus program; hybrid/online learning is not available.

For more information, contact ILEAP Director, Julie Baker, 540-863-2887 or email jbaker@mgcc.edu.

Counseling and Advising

MGCC will make referrals in special circumstances to the Alleghany Highlands Community Services Board (CSB), the Rockbridge Area Community Services Board, or Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare for personal counseling services to students at MGCC. The CSB will accept referrals from MGCC only in writing from the Director of Student Services.

MGCC will pay the CSB for one intake session and up to three one-hour counseling sessions per student. If the CSB therapist believes that additional sessions are needed, the CSB will contact the Director of Student Services to obtain written authorization for additional sessions.

MGCC also has advisors to assist students in making informed decisions regarding their vocational, educational, and personal/social plans. As a part of this assistance, students have available appropriate tests, inventories, occupational and educational information and information regarding financial assistance or employment.

The advising available provides individual attention and supplementation to the instructional program of the College.

The College cooperates with the high schools in the region to provide pre-college advising to those students planning to attend the College. Students in the vicinity will be kept informed of the offerings of the College. In addition, the College works closely with organizations in the community to determine the educational needs and interests of adults in the region. A College representative will respond to requests for information from anyone in the community.

The TimelyCare “TalkNow” service provides students with free, on-demand, and unlimited access to mental/emotional support. This feature is accessible for students from the college Web site. TimelyCare is not available to high school (dual enrollment) students.

Student Activities

Student activities cover a wide spectrum of activities/events ranging from intramural athletics to presentations in the fine arts. Events at the Moomaw Center planned for students’ leisure time on campus include tournaments, lectures, dances, and holiday celebrations. Programming provided by the Student Activities Office enhances general education goals of the College, especially wellness information and multicultural events.

Intramural and/or Club Sports: Students may participate in a variety of club and intramural sports. All participants in the intramural sports program participate at their own risk and are responsible for treatment of their own injuries.

Orientation: New student orientation sessions are offered near the start of fall and spring semesters. Information is provided on topics such as academic advising, support services, financial aid programs, campus security and student safety issues, academic calendar, email accounts, students IDs, and assistance with instructional software packages used by instructors. Orientation is also an opportunity for new students to take campus tours, visit the Bookstore, receive information on transfer agreements with four-year institutions and meet some members of the College’s faculty, staff, and administration.

A one-credit student development (SDV) course is required of all curricular students. This course includes important information that all students should have regarding ways in which to increase the chances for a successful college experience.

Student Senate: The Student Senate serves as a vital link of communication among students, administration, and faculty. It works to provide the leadership necessary for the welfare of the students and MGCC. The Senate has the responsibility of initiating services and activities for the benefit of the students.

Student Housing Information

Students will find a variety of housing options in the area. The College assists students and families by sharing information about rooms, apartments, and houses available to rent. Individuals and businesses listed as housing contacts have indicated their interest in sharing information with students. Please call Student Services at (540) 863-2820 or the Rockbridge Regional Center at (540) 261-1211 for more information.

Please note that MGCC provides this information as a service for students but does not recommend or promote any specific listings. Students will want to explore possibilities and select the housing arrangement, location, and price range best suited for their needs. The College assumes no responsibility for the arrangements made between students and any of these property owners/agents, including financial matters and/or safety issues.

Veterans’ Affairs

MGCC provides veterans and their dependents with information on Veterans’ Administration programs, certification for VA educational benefits and counseling and referrals to outside agencies.

Veterans Service Center

An on-campus office is staffed to assist veterans and their families seeking education and training.

Tim Cary
Rockbridge Regional Center
(540) 261-1211

Academic Services

Distance Education: Responding to the increasing needs of its students, MGCC plays an active role in using cutting-edge innovations to reach students in a variety of environments. (Through the Virginia Distance Education Network, the Library brings media based, independent learning courses from all VCCS campuses to provide breadth and depth to MGCC’s curriculum.) By studying at home and testing at convenient locations, students can attain their educational goals within the flexibility of their personal schedules.

MGCC is participating in the Shared Services Distance Learning program, through which instructors may share select courses with students from other partner colleges. MGCC offers students opportunities to enroll in classes shared by Northern Virginia Community College and other colleges within the VCCS.

MGCC broadcasts courses over state-of-the art telecommunications equipment to reach off-campus sites and participates in the VCCS statewide compressed video network. This classroom environment allows an instructor to teach to multiple sites at the same time, which in turn affords the student all the benefits of asynchronous learning without some of the long-distance travel inconvenience.

The MGCC computer network has become an integral part of distance education. Students are given the opportunity to participate in web-based learning either in an entirely distance learning format or as a supplement to traditional courses. Through the use of the Virginia Community College System implementation of the Canvas course management system, students can be given the opportunity to complete course work synchronously or asynchronously. MGCC continues to seek opportunities to advance and enhance distance learning formats.


The Library provides a variety of informational services to students, faculty and the community in a modern, comfortable setting with state-of-the-art materials, equipment and services; it also provides leadership and assistance in the use of technology to improve the quality of instruction.

The Library also houses our Writing Center, staffed by professionals who may assist students who wish to improve their writing skills.

The Library contains a large collection of materials to support MGCC’s curriculum as well as provide for a wide range of interests. It subscribes to several hundred serials and has extensive holdings of DVDs, video cassettes, computer software, compact discs, and other non-print materials. Equipment for the use of media is available to viewers in the Library. A professional staff is ready to assist with research library orientations and a variety of skill programs, including training on the World Wide Web via Internet. Audio-Visual materials and test proctoring services for “independent learning” and distance education courses are also available. The staff is equally committed to participate in the Commonwealth’s initiative to prepare students in information literacy as a core requirement to transfer to a four-year college or university.

As a member of the Virtual Library of Virginia, the MGCC facility shares access to over 800 databases with its sister schools. Sponsored by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), the project ensures that Virginia Community Colleges have equal access with the Commonwealth’s research universities.

Fall and Spring Hours

Monday - Thursday 8AM - 5PM
Friday 8AM - 3:30PM
Saturday 9AM - 1PM

Summer Hours

Monday - Thursday 8AM - 5PM
Friday 8AM - 3:30PM

Hours are subject to change.

Testing Center

Exams for online courses and make-up exams for in-person classes are typically proctored at the MGCC Testing Center. The Testing Center is located in the MGCC Library on the Main Campus and at the Rockbridge Regional Center. Contact the library with any questions.

Testing Center Rules:

  • Testing ends 15 minutes prior to closing.
  • The use of cell phones and other electronic devices is not permitted in the Testing Center and must be turned off and not be visible.
  • Food and drinks are not permitted.
  • Only those taking a test are allowed in the Testing Center.
  • Only authorized materials are allowed on the desktop while testing. Maintain quiet, avoid distractions, and follow all instructions of the proctor. Problems with testing may be discussed with your proctor prior to leaving.
  • Seats in the Test Center are on a “first-come, first-served” basis, unless an appointment has been scheduled.

To request an alternate location to complete a proctored exam, please fill out a Proctor Request Form.

Alternate location requests must be approved by the instructor.

Testing Center Fall and Spring Hours

Monday 8 AM - 2 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 5PM
Wednesday 11 AM - 5 PM
Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM
Friday 8 AM - 2 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 11 AM

Testing Center Summer Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

*NOTE* Hours of Testing Center are subject to change for Final Exam Times and Holidays.

Auxiliary Services

Follett College Bookstore

Textbooks and school supplies are sold in the bookstore, located in the Moomaw Center. Miscellaneous items are also in stock, including MGCC clothing and gift items.

Textbook ISBN information is available on the Follett College Bookstore web page.

Bookstore Return and Exchange Policy

The original sales receipt is required for all refunds and exchanges. No refund will be given if the shrink-wrap is removed from the text.

Food Service

Family Tree Ts Cafe and Catering is located in the Moomaw Center and serves breakfast and lunch with daily lunch and soup specials. Catering and Meal Prep Dinners are also available.

Vending machines for snacks and drinks are located in Moomaw Center, in the Convocation Center, in the Library café and at the Rockbridge Regional Center.

Workforce Solutions and Community Education

The Workforce Solutions and Community Education Division administers programs at MGCC to provide continuing educational opportunities and experiences for all college area residents. The division offers a variety of educational opportunities and experiences and is committed to providing a comprehensive workforce services program for business and industry that includes world-class training to develop the workforce for today and the future. The facilities and personnel of the College are also available to provide specialized services to help meet the cultural and educational needs of the service region.

Workforce Solutions: MGCC offers a comprehensive package of workforce development services designed to enhance the ability of business and industry to gain and maintain the competitive edge in the marketplace. These services range from training needs assessment to training delivery and evaluation and are offered both for credit and non-credit. MGCC can customize training programs to fit the needs of individuals and organizations and can be offered at the business site or one of the College’s training centers. MGCC is committed to developing partnerships with business, government and the community to promote the economic vitality of the region and improve the overall quality of life.

Community Education: Community Education at MGCC is a process of lifelong learning for individuals who are not enrolled in a formally structured curriculum. Community Education includes credit courses offered independent of a curriculum to enable individuals to continue their learning experiences, as well as non-credit courses and specialized services providing for the educational needs of the region. These services are offered in formalized classroom instruction, conferences, workshops and seminars and are held on-campus or at convenient off-campus locations.

Non-Credit Program: MGCC offers a wide variety of non-credit classes, seminars, workshops and activities for individuals seeking to enhance occupational skills or enrich personal and professional development. Also, through a wide variety of recreational offerings, area residents have the opportunity to start new hobbies, learn new skills in sports camps and participate in activities for personal enjoyment. The non-credit program is offered on a self-supporting basis. For current non-credit classes, call (540) 863-2899.

Economic Development: Mountain Gateway Community College is active in economic development and collaborates closely with local and state economic development offices to recruit new businesses to the service region and support expansion of existing companies. The College focuses on the goal of enhancing productivity and strengthening the local workforce. Comprehensive workforce development services are offered.

FastForward Funding: FastForward is a high-demand program helping Virginians get the jobs they want and the salaries they need. FastForward programs are short-term training courses offered through Mountain Gateway Community College’s Workforce Solutions and Community Education division. Most FastForward programs at MGCC can be completed in weeks or months rather than semesters or years. Financial assistance funding is also available for eligible Virginia residents which can significantly reduce the cost of tuition for FastForward programs. MGCC offers a variety of in-demand FastForward programs with tuition assistance in healthcare, transportation and logistics, skilled trades, welding, and manufacturing. For more information or to learn more about your eligibility for FastForward financial assistance funding, please contact Brooke Shehan, FastForward Career Coach, at bshehan@MGCC.edu or (540) 863-2848.